Callistimon subulatus | Tonghi Bottlebrush ‘Grand Red’
The seeds we offer here were collected from the plant in the photos. (The plant shown in the two photos is the same plant during different stages of growth.) That plant was grown from seed collected from a grand specimen in Public Gardens in West Sussex, United Kingdom in 1993.
Called bottlebrush because of the cylindrical bottlebrush-like flowers. Tonghi Bottlebrush is an evergreen shrub with small gray, thin leaves densely covering the arching stems on a clumping, multi-branched shrub. Bright red 2″ long bottle brush flowers appear during spring and then sporadically through summer, which change to a more purplish-red as the season changes. Grow in full sun in a protected location- a south or west facing wall is ideal. Freezes to the ground around 10ºF and will return vigorously from the base in spring.
Benefits from an application of low-phosphorus fertilizer. Light summer water- drought tolerant. Attracts bees and hummingbirds. Moderately deer and rabbit resistant.
Seeds are highly viable under normal seed planting methods.
Type: Perennial
Sun exposure: Full sun
Height: 4-6 ft
Mature width- 5-8 ft
Hardiness zones: 8-10