Buddleja hybrid | Butterfly Bush ‘Bicolor’ [‘Flower Power’ in Europe] (B. ‘Honeycomb’ x unknown Buddleja)
Buddleja ‘Bicolor’, sometimes sold as ‘Kaleidoscope’, is the result of an open-pollinated Buddleja ‘Honeycomb’ seedling plant selected by Michael Dirr at the University of Georgia test gardens. It’s one of the only Butterfly Bush varieties with bicolor flowers; multi-color really. The flowers first start out a beautiful violet-blue and open up into a raspberry-pink and quickly finish with an orange-peach. In addition to the array of colors, ‘Bicolor’ a sterile hybrid so it doesn’t set seed, resulting in prolonged blooms. The blooms are highly fragrant and attract a myriad of pollinators.
Once established, a mature plant can reach around 8 ft in height and 5 ft wide with a somewhat more compact structure than B. ‘Honeycomb’. For the best shape, look, and performance, we always recommend a hard-prune down to your knees in April. With a semi prune to reduce the plants height before it heads into winter as to prevent wind rocking of the plant/roots.
Plants grow best in full sun in well drained soils. Drought tolerant, but will drink plenty of water during the hottest months if watered regularly. Blooms may droop on extra hot days, even if watered.
Since Buddleja ‘Bicolor’ does not set seed, it is NOT invasive and is listed on the ‘Approved Buddleja Cultivars’ list for WA and OR.
Type: Perennial
Sun exposure: Full sun
Mature height: 8 ft
Mature width: 5 ft
Hardiness zones: 6-9
- Price is for three cuttings (3)
- Each cutting is 4-9 inches long. May be single top or multi-top.
- Guaranteed to be green, healthy, and alive. Plus pest and pathogen free.
- Guaranteed to be true-to-name.
- Please only order unrooted cuttings if you are comfortable and familiar with rooting plants
- Plant orders shipped out on Monday and Tuesday ONLY.
- If it’s believed the plants are not alive and healthy when you receive them you must let us know any concerns you have within 24 hours of arrival. If we do not hear any concerns within 24 hours it will be assumed that everything arrived in good standing. We cannot be held responsible for mishaps, errors, mistakes, or bad luck after this time frame.
How to prepare cuttings to root via rooting cubes inside a humidity dome.
- Upon arrival, give cuttings a new fresh cut on the bottom of the stem. Then set in a cup of water for a minimum of 15 minutes.
- After soaking, gently cut or scrape small marks into the bottom portion of the plant stem (½ inch) with scissors or a razor blade.
- Dip the scarred end of the stem into rooting gel or rooting powder (gel is superior). This can be done without rooting gel, but results are not as good.
- Insert the plant stem into a rooting cube (Oasis cubes, grow plugs, soil-cubes, rock-wool cubes, etc) and place into a nursery tray with a humidity dome over the top. One cutting per cube. Custom individual humidity domes can be made using plastic cups and/or plastic cling wrap.
- After the first 3-5 days, the humidity dome should be opened up or set ajar to slowly allow more air in as the plants start to root. At this point, the cubes should be allowed to become mostly dry before adding any more water.
- Once 2-3 roots grow out of the bottom of the root-cube, the plant can be transplanted into soil.
- More detailed rooting instructions will accompany your order.