Aquilegia sibirica | Siberian Columbine
Common Columbine, also known as Granny’s Bonnet, European Crowfoot, European columbine, and Grannys Nightcap, is an all time favorite perennial flower that can be found growing in woodlands, meadows and cottage gardens.
Siberian Columbine is a rare and commonly mislabeled Columbine variety with beautiful purple-blue, nodding flower heads with white to white-yellow centers and a unique appearance where the petals somewhat shield the center of the nodding flower head, resembling a lamp shade.
Columbine species are hardy, drought tolerant, and easy to grow from seed. Tolerates full sun, but does better with some shade where brighter colors will persist. Ideal for a landscape that receives full sun in early spring and dappled shade in summer. Some Columbines go dormant in summer and resume growth again in autumn. The leaves, which are the main attraction the first year, are fern-like and resemble that of Meadow Rue, followed by beautiful blooms in late spring to summer during the second year of growth and thereafter. The plants will typically bloom during the second year of growth from late spring to early summer.
Prefers moist soil, but will tolerate several weeks of drought. Will grow in a wide range of soil types and even gravel. Naturally found along stream banks, meadows, and woodland areas. For the best looking blooms we recommend planting sites that have morning sun and afternoon shade/dappled shade. Tough as nails. Will self sow in soil, gravel, or under decks, etc.
Seed germination typically takes 2-4 weeks time, sometimes longer. Percentages may improve with cold-stratification before sowing indoors, however it’s not required. Or one can direct-sow outdoors in autumn or late winter/spring.
Attractive to hummingbirds, butterflies, and bumblebees.
Type: Perennial
Sun exposure: Part shade to full sun
Mature height: 24-3o inches
Mature width: 18 inches
Hardiness zones: 3-9