Delphinium belladonna| Belladonna Delphinium ‘Blue Donna’
Belladonna Delphinium ‘Blue Donna’, sometimes called Larkspur, is a sturdy, well-branched perennial with deeply cut leaves and beautiful, single-flowered, bright-blue flower spikes. Belladonna are hybrid Delphiniums derived from crosses made between D. elatum and D. cheilanthum. which typically have a looser flower structure to them and have a distinctive pointed spur, which looks a bit like a witch’s hat.
‘Blue Donna’ makes a gorgeous addition to cottage gardens and mixed borders. At just 3 ft tall, this Delphinium does not require any staking! When the flowers are spent, just cut them back to 3 inches tall and they’ll bloom again. Full sun and rich, well-drained soils are preferred and they always appreciate extra feedings, too. Delphiniums do not typically do well in acidic soils, so add lime if it’s too acidic to make the soil more neutral. A little phosphate worked into a hole when planting will result in a stronger plant. Easy and quick to grow, they overwinter well, and show great mildew resistance, too.
Belladonna Delphiniums are easy to grow from seed and will require darkness to germinate. In warm climates they can be sown in pots or flats in late July or August and then transplanted outdoors in October for late spring to early summer blooms. Or in colder areas, seeds can be sown from March to April and then transplanted outdoors in June for August blooms.
Make great cut flowers. If cut when a quarter of the flowers are open, they will last a week in water.
Type: Perennial
Sun exposure: Full sun
Mature height: 3 ft
Mature width: 18 inches
Hardiness zones: 3-9