Althaea cannabina | Hemp-leaved Hollyhock
Hemp-leaved Hollyhock, also commonly called Palm-leaf Marshmallow, is a perennial that’s seldom grown, but is profoundly beautiful in the landscape. The leaves resemble that of hemp, hence the specific epithet ‘cannabina’ (hemp-like). The plants have tall, willowy stems of small, pale-pink mallow flowers with dark eyes and purple-red stamens. They are best sited peaked through other shrubs, towards the back of your border for flowers that sway gently in the wind from July all the way to October. Despite its height it doesn’t need staking.
Althaea cannabina prefers coastal thickets, forest edges, meadows, weedy places, roads, wasteland, pastures and parks, especially with rocky and calcareous soils. While obviously related to Hollyhock, no one is going to mistake it for one, and even still it deserves a prominent spot in the garden. Once established, it will seed itself gently around the garden. Extremely hardy to zone 3!
Germination of aged seed is easy, although fresh seed may require cool temperatures and several weeks to germinate. Start the seeds indoors 8-10 weeks before the last frost. If no germination occurs, continue to maintain moisture and temperature but sow additional seeds in a separate pot kept around 40 F in indirect light. Germination should begin within four weeks.
Excellent flower for cutting. Perfect for the insectary border, and sprawling rural or cottage gardens. Plants produce a long and strong fiber that is useful for textiles.
Type: Perennial
Sub exposure: Full sun
Mature height: 6 ft
Mature width: 18-24 inches
Hardiness zones: 3- 9