Mentha longifolia | Buddleia Mint
Buddleja Mint, also known as Wild Mint, Kruisemint, Brook Mint and Horsemint, is an herbaceous perennial herb with narrow, soft grey leaves and long, lilac-purple flower spikes. This mint variety resembles a miniature Butterfly Bush and may be better used as an ornamental herb (for pollinators and flower arrangements) rather than a culinary one (having less flavor than true culinary mints). It’s most often grown for its long, nectar-rich flowers which resemble that of Buddleja davdii. The fuzzy green-grey leaves have a musty peppermint aroma.
Prefers well-drained soil. Adds color and texture to flower beds and attracts a range of unique pollinators. Long blooming. May reseed in the garden.
Seeds germinate well indoors with heat humidity and light. Sow tiny seeds on surface, press in firmly. Do not cover seeds with soil.
Type: Perennial
Sun exposure: Full sun to part shade
Mature height: 2 ft
Mature width: 18 inches
Hardiness zones: 6-9