Cosmos sulphereus | ‘Orange Sulphur’ Dwarf Cosmos
‘Orange Sulphur’ Cosmos, sometimes called ‘Klondike’ cosmos or Mexican Asters, are a warm-weather annual wildflower native to the American Southwest and Mexico that produces semi-double bright orange blooms on tall stems with delicate fine textured foliage. Plant indoors, or direct-sow outdoors in mid to late spring. Will grow in hot sun and poor soil, and will withstand drought conditions. Only water during extreme drought. Tolerates some shade, but prefers full sun. Starts to bloom prolifically in late spring or early summer and blooms nonstop until the first frost. Reseeds easily.
Makes an outstanding wildflower for mass planting in meadows, along roadsides, walkways and just about everywhere else in a garden. Cosmos are a popular, long-lasting cut flower.
The orange flowers attract birds, hummingbirds and butterflies, including the monarch butterfly.
Type: Annual
Sun exposure: Part shade to full sun
Mature height: 20-30 inches
Mature width: 12-16 inches
Hardiness zones: All zones (annual)